Free kids' meals are provided in the Youth Services Department for kids and teens ages 3 to 18 while supplies last.
Food is provided by Three Square. Meals may be eaten in the designated room. Kids must be present to receive meals. Free and open to the public. For more information, please call 702.507.3517.
AGE GROUP: | Tweens | Teens | Kids |
EVENT TYPE: | Health & Wellness |
Mon, Mar 03 | 10:00AM to 8:00PM |
Tue, Mar 04 | 10:00AM to 8:00PM |
Wed, Mar 05 | 10:00AM to 8:00PM |
Thu, Mar 06 | 10:00AM to 8:00PM |
Fri, Mar 07 | 10:00AM to 6:00PM |
Sat, Mar 08 | 10:00AM to 6:00PM |
Sun, Mar 09 | 10:00AM to 6:00PM |
This 41,015-square-foot library was completed in 2019 and is in the heart of the Latino community serving its residents with over 50,000 volumes. As the newest addition to the Library District, this location emphasizes many Spanish and bilingual materials, resources, and programs. It offers career services through the EmployNV Career Hub, where customers have access to computer labs, skills training, and employment programs, as well as the Built from Scratch Tech Lab, which provides access to music production and video editing workstations, DJ equipment, and a sound booth.